Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Things Afoot At The Circle K.

After a houseguest who brought - and left - some rather bad vibes in their wake, the Husbands and Co-Wife and I all cleansed and then blessed the house last night. I was determined that even if the house wasn't all organized and physically cleaned, IT WAS HAPPENING, and it did.

I got Stinky Dog washed, his crate moved, and new blankets washed for him.

The Cardboard Box City has been moved to the recycling bin where it belongs.

EVIL VOICE: See what you can get accomplished when you apply yourself?
ME: You sound like my mom.
E.V.: She's a smart lady.
ME: We don't need to tell her that.

Funny thing - after last night's cleanse-and-bless, the new cats (who have been largely hiding) were out and social. They're starting to take Eldest Girl's hissing in better stride. First Husband and Co-Wife provided invaluable assistance in the washing of Stinky Dog. I got another call from a barn about a riding instructor position. Everyone here seems to be feeling general goodwill and such. Coincidence? I think not.

In the spirit of sharing blessings, I offer our cleansing and blessing for your use. Some of it is very specific to our house, and one part is from "Our Troth" (attribution follows). I ask that you adjust it for your own concerns, and not republish it without full attribution. Remember, stealing is naughty, and there is nothing so mean as an unlicensed attorney. So play nice.

(Starts at household altar)

May this house be spared by the powers of air,
From high wind, from tornado, from hurricane;

May this house be spared by the powers of fire,
From lightning, from spark, from faulty electricity;

May this house be spared by the powers of water,
From flood, from hurricane, from failure of plumbing;

May this house be spared by the powers of earth,
From sinkhole, from landslide, from shift.

May this house be spared by the powers of spirit,
From hostility, from fear, from disharmony.

With water from the well of wyrd
All ill that has been
All ill that is becoming
All ill that shall be
Is banished away.*

(back to household altar)
May this house be blessed by the powers of air,
With enough cooling, with gentle breezes, with steady breath;

May this house be blessed by the powers of fire,
With enough heat, with a dependable hearth, with safe electricity;

May this house be blessed by the powers of water,
With enough rain, with drinking water, with efficient plumbing;

May this house be blessed by the powers of earth,
With strong walls, with healthy plants, with a steady foundation.

May this house be blessed by the powers of spirit,
With love, with courage, with peace.

All these things we ask for, or their equivalents or better.

We thank the spirits of land and hearth for watching over all here.
We thank our ancestors, both known and unknown, for watching over all here.
We thank the Gods for watching over all here. Blessed be.

*From "Our Troth - Living the Troth", Kveldulf Gundarsson

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